Thursday, June 02, 2011


Yesterday I reported on this Pigeon who made it self at home on our balcony. Not the end of the story. This morning he/she or what ever it is, became a wake up alarm, can you believe that?
It was taking possession of the balcony again. Would not even move when I came out. I told it to go away. The poor bird probably figures I am bi-polar, since I was talking so sweetly to it yesterday, hahaha! Well, I didn't know how this would play it self out!
No more seeds, they ended up back on the balcony in a different form if you know what I mean.

It has been sitting and trotting around all day and actually looking inside out bedroom window, picking at it's reflection, actually very cute come to think of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Truus, I like our visitors much better except they object to our using our deck or back yard. A pair of cardinals took up residence in the clematis beside our deck Since both Mom & Dad are returnng to the nest with food; we assume there are little ones in the nest. Now we consider it our job to watch for their first attempts to fly and make sure there are no cats around.
We had a pair in the same vine last year as well
They don't even leave a mess on the deck even though there are a few bird feeders in the yard