Friday, June 03, 2011

The latest news

This past week we went to see our doctor just to get the result of our latest Lab Tests. All is well with me. My Colonoscopy turned out okay and the next one will be in five years. So that is good news. (It has been six years since I had cancer).
Ted will have his Colonoscopy in three weeks. For him it has been nine years since the liver cancer and 10 since his Colon Rectal cancer. We don't expect them to find anything either.

On the other hand it seems we are unable to get his sugar down. There is only so much pills can do.
The doctor wants him to start on Insulin. We are expecting a call from the Ontario Diabetic Organisation to teach him/me how to administer the injections and how much. (I hope he is able to do that himself, I am not that brave).

The doctor figures he will feel a lot better, less tired for one thing, that would be great! We have to do some more research on the net.

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