Friday, April 23, 2010

My Day!

This afternoon Ted and I went to the Mall (Polo Park) to be exact! We walked around (Ted on the scooter) and had something to eat at the newly renovated Moxie's. They sure did a beautiful job. Everything is black and so tastefully done. They ought to give me a free dinner for advertising here. Actually, come to think of it, my best friend 's daughter is in charge of all the Moxie's in Canada. Except this friend moved away to BC. Oh well!

It again was such a gorgeous day. I love sitting in the sun. How come something that feels so good and relaxing is supposed to be so bad! I have to watch it since I have a spot on my leg which happens to be cancer. In May a plastic surgeon is going to remove it and patch me up. I am glad it is not on my face, that must be awful!

Our Patio doors are still open and it is almost 8pm. I might even go for a walk yet. It's absolutely wind still.


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

The weather around your house sounds great, like spring is arriving:)I am not so familiar with Moxie's so I cannot imagine, I just know the "dollarama"

Not the spot on your leg thats not great I mean, just be carefull. heeh now you know how it feels to have a spot like a freckel . I have freckels onn my intire face /legs/arms and I cannot remove them all.

Here in NL its sunny too:)the magnolia tree is in blossom and the wisteria is almost coming out .

:)we enjoy IOS every day! thanks for your supporting us, Ios means a lot to us you know....

Lynne said...

It is absolutely wonderful isn't it . . . . . the weather I mean. :)