Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Mothers Day

For Mother's day our children took us out to Boston Pizza (my choice). Where we had a nice lunch. They also have a nice kid's menu. We had a wonderful time. But when it comes to having everybody together (minus Paul and Jennifer and their four kids "sniff") the food really does not matter all that much to me. Just to see them interacting with each other and how certain personalities bond more easily. (Aila is always with Hudson, and Anneka is always with Evan)

Besides me receiving some nice and meaningful Greeting cards, Yvonne gave me a gift card as you can see from Ardene. We always like to spend lots of time there when we go shopping. "It is all about accessories" is our slogan. You can make a plain T Shirt look so much better. With the amount that is on the card, I may have to make some room in my drawers. Hahaha.

Lynne bought me this beautiful hand made coffee mug, which I absolutely love. The handle feels like no other. I showed it to Ted, even let him hold it (bad mistake) and guess what he said: " I like this because when I shake (he has Parkinson's) the bump on the handle keeps it from sliding!" I told him to forget it, this is mine! Hahaha!

 Also what I like about this mug is the flat bottom. Most cups and mugs have been designed by guys who have never emptied a dishwasher. You know what I mean? The bottom collects water. First you have to dry out all the dishes else the cupboards get wet or what ever!

I like to thank you girls for the gifts and the guys for paying the meals. And I got four Air miles out of the deal. (Inside joke)

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