Sunday, October 23, 2011


This weekend Aila came for a sleepover. That meant we had to go swimming in our pool, where she learned how to snorkel, which is quite an accomplishment, since never before she liked to get her face wet. She practiced with a vengeance because they are going on a cruise with snorkeling on the program.
Since they would all come for Sunday lunch we made "Oma's Cinnamon buns". She helped me from beginning to end and she was a delight and very dertermined to get it right!

So "queasily" she said
kneading to get the air out
Hey Oma, this is so much fun!
Rolling it out nice and oblong!
Next spread on some butter with the spatula and then the good stuff, brown sugar and cinnamon!
Looking good!
They are nearly rising over the edge!
Here they are all baked and smelling so nice!
The icing, now that is the most fun part and I must say, she did well!
Since I got our new oven they are so airy and light, as a matter of fact everything turns out great


Yvonne Parks said...

They were yummy!!!

Lynne said...

Truly remarkable Aila! We all have to get her to make these from now on. The craft has been passed on.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the making is as much fun as the eating when you're working with OMA