Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today as we were chatting with Samantha (9) via MSN WebCam, we were telling her that we received a small parcel from them. Opa said as a joke: "There was a $20.00 bill in it as well, we did not know whether that was for me or for Oma!" When I piped in: "So I tore it in half!"

She looked at us with her big brown eyes probably wondering what the heck!

I said to her (something she looooves to hear): "Sammie dear, you are getting prettier every time we see you, (Sammie charmingly tucking her hair behind her ears) how is this going to end?" To which Opa added: "Well Oma, she will have boys fighting over her when she is a teenager!"
Than I said: "Okay, one thing, pick a good one, one who loves Jesus, loves you and he just better loves your Oma! Prepare him ahead of time that you have this "Oma" way up in Canada, who can be, at times, a bit peculiar, warn him to just play her game and he should be fine!"

Sammie was laughing and laughing, she is such an endearing nine year old. What an invention those WebCams are to stay in touch!

Sammie is our son Paul and Jennifer's oldest.

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