Thursday, January 27, 2011

The weirdest remedy!

I was talking to my sister this afternoon, (she lives in Holland) and in the course of the conversation she mentioned that she suffered from leg cramps at night. After putting a bar of old fashioned Sunlight soap in her bed she has not had any more problems. I did not quite know how to reply to that except, really?

I Googled it and sure enough, lots of information about it and testimonies, here is a link I found:

Ted suffers from RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) that causes him having to get up in the middle of the night and that sets of more shaking. Guess what, we are going to try it.
It seems that some people prefer one brand over an other. Since I always have Jergens we'll start with that. Bertie likes the old fashioned Sunlight bar soap.

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