Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's a small world

When we decided to move to Ottawa, the only concern we had was leaving our doctors and specialist. We were well taken care off. While we had no problem adjusting to Ottawa, finding a family physician was not so easy. You can't go to a specialist without their referral.

The same with an optician, you have to find one who can refer you to"the higher powers". I found one in the Mall a few minutes away, (same Mall where my Dentist has his practice as well).
We got an appointment a few days later. She was very thorough and realized we both needed to see a specialist. Again she did not waste any time and we had that appointment yesterday.

When I showed the specialist the files with the names of my two Winnipeg Ophtalmologists, he said: "I know them both, one I believe moved to Kingston ON, the other one's Grandparent are friends with mine, we studied together." I was just so surprised, what are the chances in a large city like Ottawa. He was as thorough and kind as the ones in Winnipeg. Ted and I were both tested but I will have to come back next week for an other test. Apparently this is a expensive machine that goes around to the different clinics and is there for a week at the time. He told me that I have glaucoma in my left eye that has to be looked after with eye drops for the rest of my life. Actually I was surprised , because it is my right eye that I have trouble with. That is actually funny, I see. it seems flies flying around and all of a sudden my glasses seem to steam up. Yeah well, it is not easy being me! (That is what Ted always says! I am borrowing it from him!)

Ted's eyes are damaged because of the stroke and the Parkinson, so driving the car is out for him. For a man that is not easy, but I am very thankful the way he takes it all. I am able to do it though driving at night I find very difficult especially approaching car headlights on the road.

Actually, it is not a bad idea to get new dentists, doctors and specialist. You get different opinions and therefore different treatments. When they are younger they have fresh and new technics and knowledge.

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