Sunday, August 01, 2010

Just a few more days!

I Actually, I had to read the last post to see what I had previously written. That I have been busy is an understatement, so writing my blog was NOT on the list of priorities. Even when I sit down I can think of a dozen things to do. This has been a very exciting and challenging experience and it is not over yet, hahaha! Even Ted is catching my enthusiasm, so much so that the neurologist we saw this week found him doing much, much better. But not good enough to help me though! But he is looking forward to the move and whatever comes after that.

The "packers" are coming Tuesday at 7am, a few hours later when they are just about done the moving truck arrives with the "muscle men" and they should be done in the afternoon. Our flight leaves Thursday morning, that means we are in a Hotel until then (actually the Four Point Airport Hotel so that we just have to cross the street). How easy is that?

Our things should get there in five days we were promised. Our car is being shipped as well. So everything is going quite smoothly. Mind you, we have had a few bumps in the road, which can be somewhat upsetting!

Yvonne said it just right: "Mom you just have to kick some devils out of the way. It's only at trees laden with fruit that little boys throw sticks, must really be in God's will for the enemy to be bothering you so much!"

Now ain't that the truth!!!!!!, Hahaha!`

There is absolutely, positively no doubt in our minds that we are in God's will, I mean, He would have stopped it, as simple as that. My believe is, that what ever we do or plan to do was HIS will before we even knew about it!!!
Christians make it way too complicated. No wonder non believers look at us with up turned eye brows, I would too, hahaha!


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

We have been 'on the go'too, so no time also to make new blogpost's nor read your blog,you were busy too though:

Just reading your post... :) wow ! 2 Theo and you, have sold your house, and Y2 are already moving away to Ottawa. Wishing you ALL the best, 'talk'to you another time, when you are settled down? We have no Phonenumber, so by email will be the only way...

Take care+Love+best wishes from us-2 JoAnn/Holland+

Trudy said...

We are now in Ottawa

Jennifer said...

I see what you mean by all the stairs!! Wow, I'm just glad the family didnt have to take the couches up those stairs.