Saturday, August 07, 2010

Just about unpacked

Yesterday we just about unpacked everything. Jason was in charge, he did the placement of the furniture, Yvonne was in charge of the kitchen and me...... well, I was told what to get rid of!!!!!
Just to think how much I did away with before the move. Ted did not come along, we thought it better for him to stay in Yvonne and Jason's place.

But what a beautiful apartment it is, so much light, with the windows open a nice breeze and the view is something I will not get tired of.

The plants I brought along survived the move, even the cuttings of the plants I sold, can you imagine?

A couple of shopping sprees coming up and we should be very, very comfortable. Yvonne arranged for our internet and telephone connection next Thursday, that was the earliest Rogers could do it. I can't imagine being without my laptop until then, hahaha! I'll tell you that daughter of ours is something else and her husband I've told her many a time, is definitely a keeper!

We have been eating out a lot and the weight I lost the last couple of weeks I am sure should come back on (not so good, because I was able to dig up some pants). Last night we were in a special place called "Baton Rouge" as a welcome to Ottawa dinner, Ted said: "Is this what living in Ottawa is all about?"He could handle that!!! Was that food ever good, we ordered ribs. Now I am not a meat eater at all, but these excellent. The desserts, well again, I don't care all that much for that either but after the food being so good the dessert had to be delicious and was it ever! I had a hard time leaving the last little piece of my cake, hahaha!

I am just so happy to be here, with the family of course and knowing Ron and Lynne will be here soon, at the end of this month. Knowing that Paul and Jennifer are able just to drive over from North Carolina, but Ottawa is such a beautiful city. We are also close to all the stores we need.

One of the things we have to do first is to find a doctor so that we can continue with all the check-ups we need. Everything in due time, the Lord continues to guide us, there is never a boundary with Him.


Lynne said...

I am glad to hear all this good news. I can't wait to see your new home.

Nancy said...

Glad to hear you are all safely in and happy to be here. Welcome to Ontario....I know you will make your little apartment as loving and cozy as your home in Winnipeg was. See you sometime in the fall. Love, Nancy

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Oke, you arrived safe,unpacked,with nice dinners, fantastic is that all 2 of thechildren (son R&daughter Y) lives nearby, the grandchildren will be VERY pleased too, t live near Opa and Oma.Also son P + J,(from NC)are more nearby with a cardrive... wow so great!!! I hope you will be véry happy in Ottawa:) Greetings JoAnn

Jennifer said...

I, of course, have told you how happy I am to have you 15 hours closer!! I am so excited for you and can't wait to see the pictures of how everything is arranged.