Monday, July 19, 2010

It's time to make some plans

We had an open house again this weekend. Saturday we were rained out, except for two ladies who came to the door, hoping to find some furniture. All I had left was two unique Salmon/Beige colored swivel recliners. They fell in love with them and bought them on the spot including the matching rug. I gave them two conditions though, a down payment and they had to leave the chairs until we are through with our open house.

Sunday, yesterday I figured we'd better make up for previous day's lost time, we were open from 10 to 4. All the people, it seemed, except for one lady, loved the place. But the last ones just before closing, two couples from India, bought it on the spot, without an argument. Even our moving date, August the fourth, was perfect for them. They will come back this morning with the offer drawn up by their lawyer.

I have to mention this: That before 10am Sunday morning, Ted and I prayed together that we would have a uncomplicated sale, no bickering or waiting for offers to come in, just straight forward. We asked our children to agree with us in prayer. After all, in the Bible Jesus said in Mathew 18:19“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”.

After that we just relaxed, had our coffee and just let it happen. I even fell asleep during visits. And these two couples were the last visitors. All the people that came were from a different ethnic background, which was very interesting.

Needless to say, after all this excitement, I found myself wide awake at 4am this morning. So now it is not even 6am and I have finished writing my blog.

We like to see some of our friends since we'll be leaving Winnipeg in just about two weeks.

Yesterday we went out for dinner with Ron and Lynne, they had a "Showing" of their house to potential buyers,(they use a Real Estate Agent). They sure fixed up their house beautifully and will be able to sell it no problem. Next they'll be going to Ottawa for a week to find a house as soon as possible so that Ron can start his new position.

We are so thankful, Yvonne and Jason are helping us with our new apartment in Ottawa. We'll be very happy there I am sure. Jason has been such an help with the sale of our house by giving me advise etc.. Actually, unbeknown to us, the two couples that made us an offer he had talked to during the previous open house when he had flown in from Ottawa.

Now if I am not giving a update, I AM BUSY. We have to take care of a lot of things yet.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you have sold and can relax. It is true, God does hear and answer our prayers, but we tend to only believe this when we get the answers we want. We must always remember His answer is always the right one, even when it is not what we THINK we want or need.


Lynne said...

It's too bad that we didn't receive that e-mail but I was praying earnestly for you guys anyways as I knew this was your last chance before hiring an agent.

Anonymous said...

Once more He has taken care of things
NOw you can get the moving van booked