Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cinnamon and Chocolate

I was talking to my brother and his wife this afternoon. They live in Holland, of course everybody lives there. I am so thankful we have a good telephone deal with Shaw Cable, (I mean really, half an hour to an hour is nothing when you have a couple weeks worth of news!)
She mentioned a Dutch saying I had never heard before. I will translate it for you, but of course it sounds better in Dutch though!

Life is like a cinnamon stick, everybody sucks on it and gets a taste!

That actually is almost as good as the following........

Forrest Gump: My momma always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

How true that is, everybody somehow gets his share. The secret of course is how we deal with our individual "Chocolate".

When this blog was set up by Yvonne in 2004, after I was diagnosed with Cancer, this blog was then "CallForPrayer". At that time there was such an outpouring of love coming our way by means of this blog. Yvonne and also Ron kept family and friends up to date during my stay in the Hospital and I have continued ever since.

I have more or less expanded to family news, pictures of grandchildren, tips and video's, which are all part of my life. It is now "Trudy's Blog". Does that mean I do not value prayer anymore?
Does that mean I do not value a word of encouragement?

I debated with my self, hahaha, have you ever had a debate with your "other person"? Like the happy one with the discouraged one? Well the discouraged one thought it better to discontinue this blog, who actually cares about me anyways! Then a better day rolled around and I thought it better to restrict my blog to those whom I think are interested.

The "chocolate I picked out of the box" has not been the greatest, cheap chocolate I guess, hahaha! Okay all nonsense out of the way.

I certainly do not want to sound like the Israelites when they were in the dessert, complaining and blaming Moses for the rotten deal they got. They forgot all too soon they had been delivered out of the hands of mean ol' Pharaoh!

Our lives are a lot different than from before. Many restrictions because of how Ted feels. Planning something is rather difficult, so we take each day as it comes. Sunday evening Ron and Lynne invited us for a beautiful barbecue supper. Then afterwards Ron started making a bonfire, but Ted needed to go home. Ouch, I love bonfires! Just to give an example.
Traveling is out of the question so our lives have become quite sedentary to say the least.
(Hey, but with this nice weather I started walking again while listening to my favorite music).

But what I mean to say, sometimes all I need to hear is somebody saying: "Awwww". How thankful I am for the friends and family who give me the emotional support now and then. They are the Good Samaritans in my life. You know who you are and I say from the bottom of my heart: "Thank you!"


Vikki said...

very well written. thank you for being so honest. It is so tempting to pretend that everything is roses when we go through hard times. xoxoxoxo

Lynne said...

Awwwwwwww! ;)

You know it is hard sometimes to remember to encourage others when me myself needs encouragement. So, I want to be the first to say, sorry, if encouragement has not come quickly enough and frequently enough.

We had a good time with you that night and hope for many more no matter how long or shortish you stay. We are very blessed!