Saturday, January 30, 2010


It is snowing in North Carolina and this has become a "Ghost town", I am not kidding you. They have something like 3-6 inches. Even the Airport is closed. All Churches, and related activities canceled. That is mostly because the Southerners do not know how to drive on snow covered roads, especially once it start freezing a bit.

The grandchildren barely were able to sleep from all the excitement.
This morning they went in the backyard making snow pies. I told them Oma might go outside with them until I saw their small puny sled, I totally changed my mind. Too bad, all those nice hills are going to waste, hahaha!
I saw a kid with skies going down the road, yes that is how hilly it is!

In the meantime, Paul has a nice fire going, all the food we want, because everybody stocks up. That means the shelves in the grocery stores are bare.
Also in the meantime I make fun of them. I guess, I have never experienced a "North Carolina" snow storm. It is very easy, because of all these over ground Hydro lines, that power failures might occur.

But by the time we head back home, the sun will be out and all the snow has disappeared. Then we shall see some real snow. The neighbours are gracefully is looking after our place

1 comment:

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

T & T, Enjoy your stay! :0) ,
Greetings for P & J + girls.
Wishing you A Safe journey, from NC --> Home in W. Take care & Enjoy:)