Saturday, June 23, 2012

My latest read! Ninie Hammon

 If you like reading you will want to have a look at this trailer. I already started reading the third book by this writer. Like one after the other. She holds you spellbound and every page seems to have a new surprise. Her writing is so vivid you can actually see it. They call her "A Cinematic Writer". She also has me actually laughing out loud, I see Ted looking at me with that "look" he is so good at!

I get my books from Amazon, where I have an account, and they  sent them to my Kindle reader, But of course they come in hardcover as well.

Go to Amazon though to have a look inside to get a nibble! She has written quiet a few books already. She mentioned the next one will come out by the end of this month!
How did I find out about her? Yvonne of course, who as you know has a book cover design business!

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