Saturday, February 04, 2012

My next meal!

Last night we were watching our grandchildren, Hudson, Evan and Allysa, while Ron took Lynne on a date. I made Dutch Pancakes for them, it always seems to be a treat for all our grandchildren. We just love them too, but I'll make them only when they come.

Allysa like to ask questions, which I readily answer.
I am growing some cuttings and added a few stones to it as you can tell from the above picture. Also to give it some color a small toy. Her question was: "Oma, why did you put a toy in there?" I told her that I want to make it look nice in there for the small fish I am going to buy and when it is really big, we'll have it for dinner!
Silence for a few seconds: "Growing it in there?"
While probably thinking are you out of your freak'n mind?

Yep, this Oma is just one of a kind!!

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