Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This and that!

Well, we went to the new IKEA here in Ottawa. It is enormous and the display of stock is something else. The restaurant seats 600 people. besides that there are couches and coffee tables all over the place, where you can have a coffee! The designers went all out. I guess that is IKEA for you! They also had very nice Christmas music going, which added to the atmosphere.

The store is about a five min drive from our Condo, as was the previous one. They built the new store on the same lot with parking galore.

It is great for Christmas shopping. Amazingly, it was not very busy, because everybody I talked to want to wait till the Opening rush is done with. Too many people are thinking that, hahaha!

I am loving this weather here in Ottawa, hard to believe not seeing snow at this time of the year, having lived in Winnipeg for so long.

Last week I put up the tree and for the rest I kept the decorating low key as opposed to previous years when we lived in Winnipeg. Jason used to say "Christmas threw up in our house!"

Ted and I can't believe how happy we are in this place. I feel so at home here in Ottawa.
Still believe the parking sucks! We have to go to the Endocrinology department, no no no, not the Criminology, hahaha! This is for a follow up regarding Ted's Diabetes. The specialist all have their offices near or in Hospitals. Just pull out the Visa card and don't look!!

This Friday I have some laser treatments to both my eyes. Since my Cataracts operation a few years ago, things did not work out too well.This is the second time. Yvonne has to drive me there and back! Bless her, she is so extremely busy with her work, which keeps coming in! But having her drive me is my only option.

In the meantime enjoy this Christmas time!

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