Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas at the Decocks

We start our Christmas Eve celebrations by feeding the kids first
and sent them off to the other room. This time they had Pizza!

Then we have a Cheese fondue and meatballs, rice etc, 'cause Jason can't eat cheese!

This Fondue pot is so old, (some 40 years) but we still use it(even though I have a modern one) just part of the nostalgia!

Below, Ron apparently is not in a hurry
 his Blackberry has some more important stuff on it,
at least that is my guess! 

 What ever it was Jason said, must have been funny!
Below the kids have their stocking!
Also Lynne and Ron!
Guess what Ted got for Christmas?

There were so many presents and because of all the excitement, no more pictures were taken!

On Christmas day it snowed, thanks to all the people who were bellyaching wanting to have a White Christmas. We were therefore in a real pickle, since we had to drive all the way to Russell 50km. The roads were bad, Yvonne and Jason advised against us driving and they had to make quite a detour to pick us up.

Yvonne and Jason took overnight bags and an air-mattress, just in case they'd be forced to stay over night at Ron and Lynne's. (Ted and I were all ready planning on staying). Sure enough, snow kept on coming down, Jason decided no way was he going to drive all that way back. We all liked that idea, made the evening a bit longer with more eating and laughing! Also very thankful that Ron and Lynne have this massive house, and that they loved having us all.

The next morning we woke up to a five ***** breakfast. Holy smokes was that delicious. That Lynne is quite a hostess. Yvonne called her a "Mennonite Machine" (because of her parents background. Actually her Mom is quite an hostess/cook as well.

Thanks again Ron and Lynne for your hospitality.
I like to thank all of our children for all the great presents we received.

Ron took us home around noon. We sure had a wonderful time


Nancy said...

Such nice pics Trudy and so good you had family to share it with. All the best blessings in the New Year.

Lynne said...

It was such a lovely Christmas celebration. Everything went perfectly. Thank you for hosting Christmas every year. We would be lost without both of you. And hey, it would be nice to see a bit of what Paul & Jen's Christmas looked like. Did you get any pictures from them?