Thursday, October 06, 2011


I still go to Aquafit class twice a week. I thoroughly love it. It gives me a good workout. It is amazing what you are able to do with your body in the water. Besides all that great stuff, I meet a lot of neighbour ladies.
I like to be way up front that way the instructor watches me and corrects me when I am not breathing or standing straight up etc., and I like that!

There is this one older sweet lady who likes to be close to me, I call her "Klingon". She tells me that she watches me, (I think she might be hard of hearing and can't hear the instructor, I am afraid to ask!)
I told the instructor about her wanting to copy me, but she also tends to get too close, which makes me nervous when we are splashing around.

Anyhow, this morning we were doing a certain routine, which involves a 360 turn. I took the turn too quick and sure enough "Klingon" followed me. The instructor started laughing and so did I, "Klingon" did not notice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how nice to have the whole family with you!