Monday, August 29, 2011


When Lynne went to Winnipeg for a couple of days, her flight left rather early in the morning. She slept here and at 3am we got up and I drove her to the Airport. Yes, that early!
On my way home I even picked up a few items from the "24-hour" grocery store! Never done that before. All the customers I saw were men with quite a few things in their carts. I almost felt like asking why in the world they were not sleeping, but than again, what was I doing there? hahaha

What I really wanted to mention is that after I parked my car in our garage, I got in the elevator and it stopped on the first floor. In came two security guys in uniforms armed with a walkie talkie. I of course wanted to know what they were doing in our building. "Just patrolling M'am, we walk around all night seven days a week." "Holy smokes", I said, "no kidding, now I feel really safe." They got off on my floor and checked the stairwell and probably watched me go into my door!

I guess seeing the elevator go so early in the morning looked to them a bit suspicious. What goes on in our condo never ceases to amaze me. No wonder the maintenance fees are so high.

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