Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our Trip

Yes we are all smiles sitting in the train and looking forward to a wonderful time together!
It is actually so much more comfortable than a plane!
The reclining seats are great with lots of leg room.
Also a connection to the internet.

Eating at "The Keg" deep fried asparagus and sweet snap peas,
I'll take this anytime before steak, a small salad, some bread, I am happy!
Yvonne had bought floppy hats for the pool side,
very funny we thought!
"Lovely" in one word and below this so reminded me of my hometown.
We went inside, was very peaceful, I used to do that when I was a teenager.
Except this church was build around 1856.
(The house we lived in in Haarlem was older than that!)

Having breakfast, which was a buffet and it was absolutely fabulous!
Check this out a garden on the roof top and so was the pool BTW.
We walked through this garden late at night, all you heard was water running, so it was very peaceful. But we sure had to watch our steps because it was so dark!
One of the places in the Hotel you can sit and rest awhile, lovely!
It is time to go home again, what a bummer, hahaha!
The train station is across from the hotel.
What a beautiful station that is. I have never seen so many food courts, since the station is attached to various beautiful malls with shops we had never heard of! With more restaurants and food courts. Needless to say, we spent a few hours walking around there.
I also found the ladies more dressed up and very hip, very much like in Europe!
Staff in the stores were very accommodating and yes, they switched to English with a cute accent!

The Lord gave us beautiful weather, perfect in one word, it started raining while we were on our way back, but the minute we stepped out of the station the sun was shining up on us again!
How thankful I am to be able to experience such a wonderful two days.
Thank you to Jason and Yvonne!

1 comment:

Yvonne Parks said...

It was fun, wasn't it??!!