Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Our Ivory Tower!

There is not much happening in our "Ivory Tower".
I still do my Fire Escape work out, which is not as tiring anymore, except when I go up, I make it to the 6th or 7nd floor.

Now the Aqua-fit class, that's a different story, what a work-out that is. I thought that class was once a week (on Thursday) but apparently I was misinformed, I actually have to be there on Monday as well. Who's fault was that? Who knows, it is in the past I don't want to blame anybody!. I may not have been able to do it anyway. I mean I might have found it too much. You get all wet, shampooing my hair, (and it bleaches like the dickens and so does my bathing suit, which I have to replace already! But now I don't mind going twice, it is actually fun! I stay for swimming afterwards, I also met a lady who swims everyday at 12, got to admire that, holy smokes! But she is a funny lady, I can handle that!

There is a Pot Luck supper every Friday in the party room. I thought it might be a nice idea for Ted so he gets to meet some people. First of all, my casserole was the best tasting, for which I took a lot of pride, since cooking is not my thing. Furthermore, I am not that interested in big crowds and Ted did not really like it that much. But we might do it again sometimes, after all, you have to give it a chance!

I asked Ted if he wants to play Pool or Billiard with me, frankly I don't know the difference and I have never played that ever. But like Yvonne always says: "How hard can it be?" They have a room with several tables at our disposal. Anything to get us moving around! Ted used to play it when he was in the army. But I could Google it and get a head start, according to Ted, you just make up your own rules, which, according to him, I am very good at anyways!

We still love it here and the thought occurred to us that even though the owners are very thankful having us as renters, they might want to live here themselves. Life throws us some unexpected curve balls. From our own life's experiences we know of course that changes will work it selfs out. What is the use of having the Lord Jesus in our life's and than not be able to trust HIM!
HE is totally trustworthy. Like I said: "It was only a thought!"

My question to you is, in what or in WHO do you trust? A "WHO" is better than "what"!


Yvonne Parks said...

A little something you may not know about me....I used to be pretty good at pool! In fact, I used to win money playing it. However that was a long time ago!

But I'd LOVE to play with Dad sometime!!!!

Ron said...

Shame on you for plotting to take Dad's money!