Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Well, hi there!

Like I said before, I am so busy being retired! Have to do all these things, like a nap in the afternoon, shopping, (preferably at Walmart).

Actually, we live a nice quiet life, have our coffee, tea etc. This morning as I sat up in bed, looked outside (we use no alarm) I started singing: "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, I have this wonderful feeling that everything will be going my way!" Ted kinda moans probably thinking,"whatever!" I am a morning person. Yvonne can tell you all about it, I used to wake her up by either singing or saying: "Wakie, wakie, a nice day to be happy!!!!" She'd groan and wished I'd go fly a kite or something. I don't know what she was capable of thinking underneath the covers, hahaha!

We are back on the road to visiting doctors. We had our eyes checked last week and already we have an appointment with a specialist on Monday the 24th. Ted's eyes were greatly affected because of the stroke a year ago. Mine are not that great either. The laser treatment for a secondary cataract was not such a success. But it surprises us that the referrals to specialist are so quick. In Winnipeg it took a few months. This we find fantastic to say the least!

I am still doing my "Fire escape routine". A few days ago I walked underground to the next apartment and I took the elevator over there and I had a look around in their foyer, I have to say, I like our building better. Great job Yvonne for finding this apartment. Jason claims we are still in our "Honeymoon" period. I do hope he is wrong.
Ted started the stairs as well. I am very happy about that. But he has to take it slow. Since the fall he has not used the scooter at all.

The USA remembers Martin Luther King. He was a great man with big dreams. I read up on him a bit. I like what he said: "Faith is taking the first step without seeing the whole staircase!"
Something to think about!

1 comment:

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

I agree with M.L.K.he was a great man indeed