Thursday, December 02, 2010

Our day!

So, Ted and I went to our"new found" doctor again, this was our third visit, we are absolutely done with her.
We'll be going to a walk-in clinic instead until we find a more compatible one. We are on the waiting list at a clinic very close by. It is a good thing we are feeling good. Actually so does Ted at the moment. At least she is getting a neurologist for Ted . We had to ask her twice though.

After the appointment we went into a mall and walked around. Ted has not used his scooter all that much, that way he is forced to walk. Then we found a nice restaurant where we had lunch. The waitress was so sweet, made up for the not so friendly doctor!

I sure love living in Ottawa. I love driving around and explore the area. We find new malls and new stores yes and I love my GPS!

Yesterday I put up our Christmas tree. Who would have thought a year ago I'd be doing it in Ottawa! I have more lights then I know what to do with. Besides I don't have the energy to do all that much. I can use only so much in our apartment. But it still looks very much like Christmas. I went to the post office to drop of a Christmas parcel for Paul and Jennifer in the states. When the man told me it would take 4-5 days, I said: "Oh my goodness it's getting there way too early!" The poor man looked at me with an expression on his face that told me, "I can't help that!" I quickly added,"that happens when you are too organized, I should have waited a while!" (I had forgotten that mailing a parcel from Winnipeg takes so much longer).


Anonymous said...

So what are you saying? That it doesn't look like Christmas threw up in your apartment? That doesn't sound fun :)


Lynne said...

That is great you have your apartment looking like Christmas has come. It must feel fun and festive. I hope you don't have to wait too long for a suitable doctor for both of you.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

hi,Here we've no time 4 christmas-trees (since we have Joyi,see pics on my blog) its
nice to read you have onethough. I enjoy your stories of Ottawa,it sounds like a great city:)

Trudy said...

Christmas did not throw up here this year, but I did manage to hang up the wishing well in the entrance way! Jason will be sooooo pleased!

Jennifer said...

I'd LOVE to see some pics of what you did to decorate the condo!! I bet it looks beautiful.

What was wrong with your Doctor...not nice?