Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Almost Christmas

This is going to be our first Christmas in Ottawa. Judging by the weather outside, it does NOT feel like winter. I am still wearing my spring/fall coat. I can definitely handle this.

This evening I filled up all the stockings. All the presents are under the tree waiting to be opened.

Ron and Lynne were here last Sunday for lunch and the kids wanted to open just one present. But of course we told them they have to wait five more sleeps. They were a bit more rambunctious than usual, (I wonder why), which did not go over too well with Opa. I thought taking them down the fire escape would remedy that! Off we went, with me holding four year old Alyssa by the hand. When we came down to about the fifth floor she said: "I think my legs are getting tired!" The boys were way down already and on their way up, huffing and puffing. By the time we came to our suite they were so tired, hahaha! I rewarded them with an ice cream cone. Yes they were pretty well done and their energy level way down!!

On Monday we looked after the girls for a while and took them to the mall for a bite to eat and a look in the dollar store, except it became more than looking, they both got a cart to start their Christmas shopping. I asked them how much money they had on them. Ya right, nuthin!

Anneka told me that she couldn't possibly shop with her parents, they'd know what she'd be buying. I said: "Yes that makes perfect sense!" In the meantime I had to watch them here and there and very tactfully explain that Daddy does NOT want five of the same things!

Anyways, after we came home they had such a great time wrapping everything and they were so excited it was so worth it!

Got to love those grandchildren

Oh yes, that's right, tomorrow I start my first aquarobics class here in the building. I told Yvonne that I don't like to get my hair wet because of all the chlorine. She suggested we'd buy a swimming cap. When later in the evening I tried it on to show Ted, it was so tight it looked like I just had a few botex treatments, hahaha! I might just look like the youngest chick of the bunch!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You probably wouldn't post it, but I'd love to see you in that swimming cap.

The girls wanted to get something for us, but they went and wrapped some of their own stuff for us...very cute.

We are expecting snow of Christmas Day...can you believe it? They think this will be the first time in 60 YEARS that there might be accumulation on Christmas or Boxing Day!