Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Just thinking

First of all, thank you Yvonne for my new Blog, I am very happy with the way it looks. It took a while for her to convince me I needed a change. You are very talented that's for sure. Look at those beautiful faces to the left. Yep, that's my family.Yvonne knows what turns me on.
It"s definitely NOT money, hence the pennies, hahaha!

I can't believe we are having this nice weather at the end of November. Right now when I look outside, there is not a cloud in the sky. I do miss all the green though.

I remember when I was in the Hospital (January almost six years ago).There had been a major snow storm. Since doctors and other staff could not get there, the 12 operating rooms where closed except for one, therefore delaying my operation for several days. No wonder I lost weight, I could not eat just in case it would be my turn!
After my operation, I had a Physiotherapist who told me that she was going to Brazil for a few months to get away from the cold Manitoba winters. She made me look outside and asked: "What do you see?" Of course, all I saw was snow, snow and more snow. "No really", she said, "how many colors?" I saw white, brown trees, dark buildings. She said: "Is it no wonder people get depressed? There are NO colors!"
"Mmmm", I replied, "never thought about that, but than again, the weather does not have much of an effect on me. I like to see the sun, but then again, if it rains or snows I love to be home!"
With me it is more family/friends relationships that plays an enormous role in my daily life.

Strange though, I've never forgotten that conversation.

1 comment:

Yvonne Parks said...

Its gonna 'dip' to -4 this week! (hee hee) Luckily that's the night-time low...but the daytime? Still +6! (Strangely, the same temps as Vancouver right now!)

Gotta love Ontario!