Sunday, October 03, 2010

Sunday Lunch

We had Ron and Lynne over for Sunday lunch. Looking at my "Famous" Cinamon buns, Lynne said: "They are so high is that because you live so high?" Hahaha, that's funny, but looking at them they were! The pictures are not all that great but that's all I have folks! (Click on picture to enlarge)

Looks like Lynne is praying and so is Ron!
And....Ron is still praying!
It sure was nice having them over, the first time for Sunday lunch since we're living in Ottawa
Next weekend for Thanksgiving, we'll all be spending a few days at Mont-Tremblant, (169km NE of Ottawa in Quebec). Paul and Jennifer and their kids will be driving to Ottawa for this family event. I am sure pictures should be posted a few days after. We are all very excited since it has been a few years we all got together. The grandkids, Anneka 10 being the oldest and Nico 20 months the youngest, eight kids in all. Fun, fun, fun!

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