Monday, October 11, 2010


We are having a wonderful time, pictures to come. For us as parents it is great to see our children having a fantastic and relaxing time with lots of laughter. Every meal in a restaurant was an experience. The young ones at one table and we at an other. Of course everything is French, though most speak English with a cute accent. The grandchildren got re-acquainted. Especially Eliana and Alyssa (both four years old) told us they are"friends for ever" and yuf (love)each other more than meatloaf. Every chance they had they'd walk holding hands.

Since we are up in the mountains it has been quite chilly, so I picked up a bit of a cold. I should have brought a warmer jacket. My sore throat woke me up, it's actually 3am. In a few hours we are heading back to Ottawa.
Anybody living in Ontario should go at least once to Mont Tremblant, because it is amazing! The scenery, picture perfect.

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