Friday, August 06, 2010


Yesterday we arrived and our stuff was here before we did, have you ever heard of anything like that? Loaded up on Tuesday and get there less than 48 hours later? Jason, our fantastic son in law, went to the Condo to meet them, while Yvonne and the girls picked us up from the Airport. We drove straight out there since Ted had not seen the place yet. As the movers were carrying everything in, I thought what was I thinking? Our house had hardly anything left after my sale and clean-up, (it actually sounded hollow when we talked!) but the movers kept bringing stuff in, where in the world are we going to put it! All of a sudden the spacious apartment seemed a bit smaller especially to Ted who had not really seen it. I might have to either give away or load some things in Ron and Lynne's place when they come at the end of the month. They have many rooms to fill up!

Today we are going there and continue the unpacking that Jason started, I'll tell you this much, without Yvonne and Jason helping us I am not sure I'd be able to do it all. We'd be in a mess for a long time to come!

As a house warming gift they'd bought us a dining table to match the chairs I had picked out a few weeks ago when I went to Ottawa to sign the Condo papers. Ted and I are just so overwhelmed and I am so going to love this place. We'll do lots of exploring, we already have a GPS! Right now Ted is rather exhausted from all the emotions of the last couple of days, so today we'd thought it better for him to stay here.

Jason also stocked up the fridge and pantry for us. Yvonne had asked him, how do you know what they like? No problem he assured her, I have known them for 16 years, hahaha!

Our car was in for some external repair and paint job paid by the Manitoba insurance and picked up from there by the moving company and should be here in a week or so. We will never have to get into a cold car again (except when we visit some place) we have indoor parking. No more snow cleaning nor mowing the lawn!!

Once we have things into place I will post a few pictures.


Jennifer said...

I'm sooo happy for you! We can't wait to see your place in person!

Anonymous said...

HI Truus,
welcome to Ontario. I hope to be able to visit you the day after boxing day-at the end of our visit to Emilie & Christian. Enjoy your new home

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

waiying for the pics and more, take care you-2 , JoAnn with love:)