Sunday, June 06, 2010

Dishwasher malady.

Who enjoys emptying a dishwasher? It should be made as easy as possible, don't you think?

Have you ever wondered why cups and mugs have those dips on the bottom?
Who designs them. I bet by guys (of course) who never empty a dishwasher.

You pretty well need a dishtowel to soak up all the water, and I always swear on the inside. Come on, I bet you do too!

Oh and then plastic Ziploc containers with those down turned rims, who designed those? They also collect water.

Since I am talking about "Ziploc". I bought extra strong freezer bags, because they were on sale and...I had a coupon plus extra travel bonus points, so of course I bought two large boxes. Well, wouldn't you know, they are blue, so when they are in the freezer, I can't tell what is in it. When Yvonne was here, she commented in "her Yvonne kind-of-way", "Mom, what do you have in there, body parts?"

Anybody else feels like I do?


Yvonne Parks said...

heh heh.

I only buy mugs/glasses that are flat on the bottom! You are right....those cup-puddles are so irritating!!

And yes...your freezer looked like a freezer in the hospital's transplant ward!

Vikki said...

I write on freezer bags the contents and date in a sharpie...then I always know!