Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Come and gone

Above Sunday Lunch at our house
Below for dinner at Ron and Lynne,
some bonding time between Auntie Yvonne and Alyssa
What ever I saw must have been something!

These last couple of days we had Yvonne with us. She arrived last Thursday and left this morning. Yes I have the "separation-blues", something that has to wear off. You know that gnawing feeling in your stomach? That's me, happens every time!

We had a wonderful time. She and I did some serious shopping. Mainly, because a few weeks ago, she had sent me a gift card to buy clothes. Knowing she would be coming I waited with shopping. I can't go shopping with Ted, he'd wear out after one outfit, besides what does he know! He thinks I look good in anything which is very comforting, hahaha!

She also sang at the A2A conference held by the church they used to attend here in Winnipeg, namely "the Sanctuary" She was able to see her old friends all in one place.

Yesterday I also had a check up with my Ophthalmologist, I was planning to cancel that because of Yvonne's visit with us. But I am glad I went. After examining my eyes, he concluded my eyesight seems to be a bit blurry. (No kidding, I feel like cleaning my glasses all the time!) He made an appointment for me to have some laser treatment done. Just as I got to know this nice Dr Rao, he is leaving Winnipeg. I told him he could not do that to me.I guess that does not make any difference, except for the fact that at least he is being appreciated. The laser treatment is done at a different location, and I'll be going there tomorrow for a "pre-whatever they'll be doing"

Well, I guess I'll have to do a few things here and there, the grass is growing like crazy after the fertilizer and all this rain we have been getting.

1 comment:

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

wow! what a surprise that Yvonne came over,(good you bought clothes 2gether)It sure seems that you had a great time, you look all so handsome and happy:)Thanks 4 showing the pictures.With Love XX