Monday, May 03, 2010

Our Sunday

Yesterday we got an unexpected invitation from Ron and Lynne to go out for dinner with them. As it was I had not started to cook yet. Besides all I was going to make is a BLT for Ted and myself. I had bought this nice head of butter lettuce and tomatoes.
They came to pick us up and from here drove to the Olive Garden, where we found out the wait would be 80min. I looked at Ted and I could tell "Don't think so!" Of course Ron realized that so he called Montana's where the wait was 30min, that included driving over there, not too bad. But I am constantly watching Ted to see how he is doing.

But what is it with people lining up in restaurants, holy cow, that they can afford that on a Sunday evening? Not a sign of a recession that's for sure.

It is a lot of fun going out with the grandchildren. Actually, Hudson walks around with an open book all the time, in a world of his own (he is Ron all over!) Evan tries to get into the act whatever that is and Alyssa (3) talks non stop. If she talks to somebody, or nobody in particular which can happen anytime without you realizing it, she'll be repeating her story several times and stops till she gets a response!

Ron said jokingly: "When she gets up in the morning, she takes a deep breath and off she goes!" Sort of reminds me of Yvonne at that age. I have some recordings of our mealtimes. All we hear is the forks and knifes clicking on the plates, with Ted reprimanding the boys and through it all....... Yvonne talking, hahaha!

Last week I was conversing with Lynne on the phone , which can take up to 30-40 min (while I am exercising) Alyssa thought it was time for her to talk to me. I asked her how she was doing. Out came a long story, of which I understood may be 50%. I usually say: "Is that right" or "No kidding!" (With as great an enthusiasm as I can muster!) I am sure my reactions in her opinion are NOT always right.

To play it safe, I asked her: "And..... are you looking after Mommy?" She answered: "But Oma, that is too hard!" Okay than: "Are you helping her by cleaning up your toys and stuff, I am sure she would like that!" "Is that what you do Oma? I said: "You better believe it, I pick up stuff after Opa, his socks, shirt, pants newspapers and I clean up the kitchen etc.

She probably figured this conversation was NOT going anywhere, because she was gone, hahaha.

What is so cute, when in a conversation they point into different directions,(at least that's what the Mommy's tell me), thinking some how Oma can in some magical way see them.

I can't get enough of them, they really should, contrary to what the parents want, stop growing up from the 2-3 year stage!


Vikki said...

cute :)

Lynne said...

I wholeheartedly agree! I love the 3 year old age. They are little adults in their little bodies. So cute!

I am so glad you both could join us for dinner Sunday night. It is always nice to spend time with you. We will make sure to do that more and more often.