Sunday, April 04, 2010

:-( :-( :-(

This has not been the greatest Easter for us, since we are all by our selves. Actually it has been the worst!
To top it of:
Yesterday I was slicing up vegetables for a stir-fry recipe I love. I have this excellent slicer which slices your veggies any thickness you'd like. Onions super thin and carrots, zucchini thicker, just as I was coming to the end of the zucchini I sliced my finger, ouch, ouch and ouch! I ran to the tap to rinse the wound. I saw while the blood was pouring out that there was quite a dent in my pointer finger, and the pain was horrible.I put a paper towel around my finger. Since the onion was frying I added the zucchini (minus the piece of my finger! I managed to slice up the rest of the veggies.While changing the paper towel several times.

Because of all the commotion Ted had come into the kitchen and he had to show some of his domestic abilties, which only frustrated him because of his inabilities.Finally I put plasitc wrap around the towelt and tried to continue with the rest of the meal. And as if that was not enough, as I took something out of the fridge with my left "working " hand, with a vengeance I bumped my head against the freezer door handle. At that point I had had it. "Who the heck designed a refrigerator like that", I cried out!

I did finish making the meal, but because of all the trauma, neither one of us was hungry.So I put the food in a container and into the fridge.

Together we made some coffee and toast and we both took care of my finger.By than it had stopped bleeding somewhat. But it only brought home to us the fact how incapable Ted has become! But what does a person do when they are all alone?
I took a couple of Xstra strenght Tylenol's, the last I discovered, we had, so later in the evening I had to resort to the ones Ted has with codeine.
Now I can sleep all day on a non drowsy allergy pill, never mind Tylenol with codeine. I slept pretty good (with some heavy duty dreams) only to be awaken twice by Ted's alarm for his medication. But this morning when making breakfast, I almost fainted so I have to try to go without painkillers. It is actually not too bad even as I am typing with some of the fingers of my bad hand.

But... I will have to change the bandage and that scares the peejeepers out of me!
I remember when I was around nine I had a bad experience when the doctor had to replace a bandage of a bad accident to my middle finger.

May be somebody has an idea?


Yvonne Parks said...

awwwwww....: (

That sounds HORRIBLE!!!! How is your finger now??? I'm sorry you were so alone. That sucks. :*(

Lynne said...

I just read this now! WOW! I hope that with you both coming over tonight for supper will, hopefully, make the Easter weekend more joyful. I'm sorry to hear about your finger and pray that it will be healed and give you no further pain.

Ron can doctor it up further if you require - he's good at that - you don't even have to look.

Anonymous said...

Hi Truus
Oh that must smart...Did you see the Doc?
Take it from a "been there,done that", Theo will improve as long as he tries to do things. I often give thanks when I catch myself doing things that I know I could not do right after my lifting pot from the stove to the sink or even liftng something heavy and putting it on a shelf
I'm sure you will find youself giving thanks like that in the future
Just hold on to our God,

Trudy said...

Yes, I had the doctor look at my finger. Theo had a physical Monday. It is getting better already, even worked in the yard.

Ted is beginning to do things again,slowly but surely.
Thanks for the encouragement Nelly. Being thankful for small accomplishments is so important, we tend to forget.

We are looking forward to you coming very much!

Vikki said...

OUCHIE!!!! Sending love and prayers. God has an extra special reward in heaven for faithful servants like you

Trudy said...

Thank you very much. Vikki I'll be waiting for my reward! :-)