Sunday, February 07, 2010

The (very) small garage

This is so typical Dutch, "where there is a will, there is a way!" You won't be able to understand the "clean blue collar language" (if you are not Dutch that is), which is really too bad, because it's very funny. The video speaks for it self though. Compliments of my brother Nic.


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Once I saw a look-a-like video, ... the car drove slowly inside the narrow space, and the owner had to open the indoor-door first, to step out of the car, than close the door again, than he could push the car -by hand without the brake locked!- a bit further to the end of the space... got it? :) Very clever found!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

This video is about the same idea as the video I saw , :)(with opening the indoor)The man is from the North or south of Holland (language-accent)