Saturday, February 27, 2010


Thank you Yvonne for updating my blog.

We like to thank everybody for your prayers and interest, that was quite touching! Both Lynne and Yvonne have been updating on their Facebook at my request because it was impossible for me to contact all family and friends. Thank you girls for doing that!

Ted was allowed to go home yesterday at 3pm, that meant he was in Emergency for 48 hrs. It took a long time to get the third opinion. They are still trying to figure out exactly what happened, therefore an other CTScan will be arranged in a week from now. For now the prognosis is a hemorrhagic stroke. In two weeks the Stroke department in the Health Science Hospital will take over.

The stroke affected his sight (lucky for me, now he won't even see the "special made wrinkles just for me" I wrote about in a previous blog!) We have not lost our sense of humor, hahaha!
Also I noticed in him a certain amount of confusion. That means that now I look after the sorting out of his medication and make sure he takes them on time. For the time being I'll be the taxi driver. He also gets confused about simple tasks on his beloved laptop!

Before we went to the hospital he was very slow in reacting when I'd asked him something and his walking was unstable. That, I would say, has improved somewhat.

We will take things as they come day by day. To fret does not help, besides we know the Lord gives us strength. Not only that, all the people who have been praying and thinking about us will have not been in vain, as a matter of fact, it feels wonderful!

While we were in the Emergency waiting, a lady started talking to me, complaining how long she had been waiting there already. I thought oh my goodness, Ted better not hear that, since he had mentioned it was taking too long and wanted to go home. She went on complaining about the system and the nurses who had given her too many Tylenol3's, now she is going need an enema, etc, etc.
That whole conversation wasn't doing me any good.(I am more of a "go with the flow"person). I suggested to Ted we'd go and sit in the lounge where the chairs are a lot more comfortable. I arranged that with the Triad nurse who offered to page us when it became our turn, (which was at midnight)! It took an other three hours before they picked him up for the CTScan.
I left the hospital at 5am. After first making some calls to our children for an update, I was back at the hospital at 11am.

Ted was almost in tears when I found him on his bed in the hallway, somebody else was in his room. He was not the only one out in the hall. It was so busy there almost insane. I asked the nurse about it but what can she say but "nobody likes to be in the hall!"

I said to Ted: "Think of it this way, in that room all you saw was four bare walls, I am going to get us some coffee, I brought you all kinds of treats, we can eat and watch all this activity. Beds with people being pushed around, nurses running like mad, that old man wants to get out of bed because he has to pee. Not only that, we are right next to the bathroom, so we don't have to walk that far, and..... as a bonus smell all the patients coming out because they don't close the door etc, this will be fun, just you and I!" Besides, we are NOT going to be here forever! He actually managed to have a nap!

As we were ready to go home, the doctor, such a sweet lady, told him to continue with what he has been doing in the hospital, without skipping a beat Ted replied: "The first thing I will do at home is go to the bedroom and put my bed into the hall!"


Anonymous said...

We will pray that everything will turn out well. Tell Ted we love him. Ken and Els

Ren said...

I'm very glad you both are doing okay, in the circumstances. I loved your story of being in the waiting room and how you made the best of things, though the thought of your dear husband having to wait on a bed in the hallway made me outraged)

Thinking of you guys


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

I wrote already some (private) message's by msn/hyves....I was really worried/upset too, when I red Yvonne's message about her Dad and mom. I can imagine the feeling from you both,when you undergo the hanging around for so long, at the hospital(hall) , waiting for your turn , but cannot leave the hospital either.... Just staying there untill you are "so tired that you hardly are able to think straight". I can imagine your humor, (thats for that moment the best way to react ) what else can you do?.... Just Hang on, take care, hug and love from Holland!!
Bert and JoAnn