Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This and that!

We were up before 6am this morning. Actually Ted woke me up because he had an terrible attack (has to do with the Parkinson's). The best thing for him is for me to make some coffee and toast and let it wear off. He gets these attacks, some are worse than others, but this morning was a bad one. He does not want to be alone in times like these. He now has to take medication during the night. That means his sleep gets disturbed a lot. I have no such problem. Usually I sleep right through. I prefer for him to wake me up though, after all, that is what I am here for I tell him.

Later on this morning I have a CT Scan at the Hospital. The result of all tests, blood work, mammogram etc. will be revealed to me when I see Dr. Harris the Oncologist. That should be the last time she will see me. Ted and I are both declared Cancer free. Something to be very happy about.

But, I have to leave in less than an hour, I do hope he is able to drive me since parking is a night mare around the Hospital. It should not take too long, he'll wait in the car.
It looks like I'll be going alone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was I busy that day? If not, I could have driven you. I wonder what was happening that day.