Monday, February 08, 2010

Sunday Lunch

There is something about my dresser that fascinates our grand daughters. Alyssa is no exception, but she left her "business card" though. The wooden shoes from our living room and her zippy cup. How cute is that.
While we and also Ron and Lynne were away we missed Hudson's Birthday. So I decided he and I should go on a date on Saturday. First we, or rather he, picked out a Cake at the Diary Queen. He told the lady what he wanted on it. Then we walked over to Zellers so he could pick out a present. Finally to the Dollar store where he and I bought some things we were unable to live without, hahaha! So below is Hudson during Sunday lunch. The rest of the pictures speak for them selves.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Ice Cream cake is always so good. Hudson picked a good one.

Thank you so much for making Hudson's birthday so special. You've made memories with him that he will remember always.

I never realized it before now, but the cake says that you turned 9 as well. What a coincidence!! hee hee