Friday, February 26, 2010


Hi there...this is Yvonne

My Mom asked me to update this for her.

Yesterday afternoon my Dad was taken to the ER after having a constant headache for a couple days. He was having disorientation, confusion, dizziness, trouble with vision, comprehension, reading...the works. They were hoping it would pass...but it didn't. Going to the ER here while free, can be a long wait, and my Dad didn't know if he could physically do that. But they soon realized there was little choice.

I believe the wait to see a doctor was somewhere around 9 hours...and then another few hours before a CT scan could be done at around 3am. (From the time they arrived till they took him down was probably around 13 hours...but Mom will have to confirm)

The first diagnosis is that my Dad has had a stroke. It is considered mild....and they are bringing in another doctor for a second look. He is feeling better, aware, even cracking jokes. His headache is lessened etc.

We are now waiting to hear anything more. We don't know if there is treatment...or chance of further strokes....we just are waiting.

My Mom was able to sleep for a couple hours (not nearly enough) and is now waiting to get a call from the hospital. She is a bit overwhelmed, so unable to make the various calls to people. So she asked us to update facebook and blogs to inform people who care.

Please continue to pray for my Dad... that this is a one-time incident...etc.

More to come from my Mom soon I'm sure...


Ren said...

I am very glad to hear that he is okay and I hope that whatever the next doctor says is good news. Lots and lots of love to you all. I'll definitely be thinking of you. Miss you all and wish there was more I could do.


Evy M said...

Thanks for the update. Still praying, love you all. Evy

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Take care!!! with love
(Wrote you by msn a bit more)