Monday, January 04, 2010

This and that!

Oh the joy of being retired!
One day I work my butt off and the next day I just 'veg'.
I took the tree down and all the Christmas decorations. While I was doing that I wondered what this year will bring us. It is a good thing we don't know everything. There is a Dutch song which comes to my mind: "Wat de toekomst brengen mogen, mij geleid des Heren Hand!" Which means: "What the future may bring, I am led by the Lords Hand."
In our lives as we all know, things can change in a second. Our income, health and even death. To be thankful and positive is therefore so important.

We have not moved our car sinds we took Yvonne and the girls to the Airport on the 31st.
But.... today we have to get some groceries, so far we have been living from the fat of the land, in our case, the freezer, pantry and the fridge. But there comes a time eating out of a freezer is not enough as we all know. So we pack up our selves and go to the store to get us some fresh vegetables and fruit, lots of it, because that is what I like the most.
So, now I'd better warm up the car!

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