Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It is amazing actually, since in May we will be married for 50 years, how different Ted and I are from each other and yet so compatible.

Just to mention a few:

Ted has always loved classical music, me, I can handle many different kinds. When we were first married, I was into the popular music of those days and yes, there were some arguments, especially when driving in the car., you get the message
And then.......
He loved strong tea, me on the other hand, rather weak.
He liked his coffee weak and me, a nice strong brew that's what I was used to!
I was very out going, wanting to have lots of friends over, he was not that interested.
I loved sitting on the beach to watch people, he'd find a camping spot in the middle of knowhere.
I loved sitting in the sun any chance I got, he'd find the shade.
I'd wear the "in" clothes, he'd walk around in a suit with a black rimmed hat even at home after a days work at the office! On my first birthday he surprised me with, what I called "a black Granny purse"! I was not mature enough to accept it with grace!
Oh and I liked to eat (a lot) and he was very moderate.

I guess you learn to compromise and to some extent we totally switched. There are also area's where we have totally blended into one. We are both very much in agreement about our religious beliefs, which do not always line up with the mainstream churches. But that is a different story!
Ted and I have always been interested in the 'spiritual' well being of our children. But also in the psychological, (I read books to help me out) to build them up and make them self sufficient. Home was a place where they were loved. We were together a lot as a family, because we sang together and therefore had to practice together. But they helped us in the "sign shop" as well. Money never came easy to them. We also thought it very important to go to a church where they were happy. That meant switching a few times.
We both are not money minded, therefore, very content with what material things we have!
And as you might know, we both had cancer from which the Lord has delivered us.

When I was around 18 I made a list (in my diary) of what I wanted in a husband. Yes I had a lot of stipulations. One married friend said to me: "Jij hebt wel heel wat noten op je zang!" That means, "You have a lot of musical notes in your song!" The Dutch have a lot of expressions, that every Dutch person understands but yet they are difficult to translate as they make no sense.
I wanted to be happy in my married life, so I began to pray for a husband. So when I came to Canada and we had all these differences, I said: "God is that all You could come up with?"

Just kidding!!!!!

We have had, besides the bumps, a very good life so far! And....yes God found me the right running mate after all!

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